Partners — Glens Falls Medical Mission

The Glens Falls Medical Mission has the good fortune to cooperate with Guatemalan and international
groups to help extend our care 

INCAPARINA: This not-for-profit group is dedicated to improving the nutritional status of families. Children may suffer from malnutrition due to poverty, unemployment and lack of education about nutrition. Incaparina sells a very cheap nutritional drink and makes a soy protein product to improve protein intake in an affordable way. They come to each of our clinics to teach principles of good nutrition to the families there.

SOSEP: This is a Guatemalan social organization run by the wife of the current president. Soesp provides clinic support, ranging from providing durable medical equipment such as canes and walkers, to free lunches for volunteer translators and others. Soesp helps coordinate medical referrals and follow-up for patients requiring surgical or specialized assessment and care.

ALCALDE OF SANTA ROSA: The municipality and mayor's office of Santa Rosa has been instrumental in the success of our mission clinics. From helping coordinate the pre-mission to providing volunteer coordinators during the clinic week, municipal representatives support our mission in a variety of ways. 

LIONS CLUB: The Lions have been a partner since the first mission. The Lions Club of Guatemala arranges our ground transportation, gets our items through customs, stores supplies, and identifies patients for the clinics.

CRISTO REY CHURCH: This is where our clinic is located, although we have no religious affiliation. The padre has been very helpful in allowing us to hold our clinic there for a small donation.

CUILAPA HOSPTIAL: Located about 40 minutes by bus from the Santa Rosa, this is the only public hospital in the area. They accept acute cases from our clinic. In return, we provide medical seminars, and medical supplies and drugs when they are available.

Become a Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.